Related Pages

From Red House Wiki
Revision as of 00:32, 31 October 2018 by Gav2 (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "right Related Pages are identified using recent click traffic. In the Related Pages section at the bottom of each page, font size shows the relative impo...")

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Related Pages are identified using recent click traffic.

In the Related Pages section at the bottom of each page, font size shows the relative importance, while the colour shows the relative "freshness", i.e. time since last edit. Red=new, blue=old. This way, you can see what's new/recently edited and what's popular nearby.

As people (in this case, registered users) click about looking at things (either through the related pages section or any other way), connections are a made or strengthened, old unvisited ones are lost, and wiki pages spread about finding useful places to live.

This produces far more efficient mixing than just relying on fixed links in pages, searching etc, users sending them to their friends or teachers telling them to go and have a look at something.

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